The onion is a bulb root vegetable that grows underground. The flesh consists of multiple layers of white flesh that has a sharp flavor and a strong aroma. USDA has found that a hundred grams of raw onion has only forty calories and is a great source of Vitamin C (7.4 mg), Vitamin B6 (0.12 mg), and Potassium (146 mg). Onions are especially known for its antioxidants benefits that lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Red and yellow onions are richer in antioxidants than other varieties. In fact, studies show that yellow onions are composed of the highest antioxidant component that is almost eleven times more than white onions used in the same research.
Despite the abundant benefits of eating onions, some people are worried about the onion tear repercussion. When an onion is cut, it releases the lachrymator compound that causes irritation to our eyes and produces tears. There are several methods for chopping onions without crying. Let us know which is your favorite! With that out of the way, check out this week's edition of The Juice for guidance on onion varieties and how to use them.
White Onion

White onions are also sometimes called pearl onions due to its appearance. White onions have a bright white, papery skin and crisp white flesh. The flavor is sharp and the most pungent out of the onion varieties with a crunchy texture. White onion is common in Mexican cuisine. They are often prepared raw in guacamole and fresh salsa. The crunchy texture and the stinging flavor spices up the recipe without a doubt.
Sweet Onion

Sweet onion is also known as Vidalia onion; one of the most popular sweet onion varieties that is known for being super sweet. Sweet onion has a flattened appearance and thinner skin. The flaky skin is tan-colored and the flesh is crisp white. It is less pungent than other varieties and does taste sweet as suggested by the name. The delicate flavor is a great choice if you do not want to overwhelm the other ingredients. The popular application includes onion rings, salads, and sandwiches.
Yellow Onion

Yellow onion is what they called brown onion, Spanish onion, or all-purpose onion. It is usually round with light brown, pale golden skin, and ivory white flesh. Yellow onion has a pungent flavor when raw and becomes sweeter the longer it cooks. It holds up well in cooking and is ideal for caramelizing and building a base flavor for soup and sauce. French onion soup calls for yellow onion. Caramelized yellow onion in a rich beef broth will make the perfect French onion soup. In addition, they can serve as a substitute for almost any variety.
Red Onion

Red onion is another name for purple onion. Red onion is a mild onion with dark purple papery skin and white and purple layered crisp flesh. It tastes similar to yellow onion when cooked, and tastes mild and less tender when raw. Red onion can be eaten raw or cooked as a burger topping, roasting, and pickling. Cooking the red onion will wash out some of the red color during the cooking procedure. Red onion works well for pickling and consuming raw which adds a burst of color to the dishes it accompanies. Red onion can be stored in any cool and dry space as you would a yellow onion.
Looking for wholesale onions in New York City? Purvey'd provides a wide variety of onion selections; from sweet onions to pungent white onions, we have various options to chose from. If you do not see what you want, please let us know via what you are looking for. We can purvey it for you!