Purvey’d Corporation is a wholesaler of fresh produce based in Queens, NY. Our PACA License Number is 20210841. We carry a plethora of items for restaurants and retail. If you don’t see what you want, contact us and we’ll purvey it for you.
For most items in our product line, we will typically have:
- A fancy option (for lookers)
- A choice option (bang for buck)
You can choose to spend where it matters most and where to save a few.
We are NOT an online market place where companies post their offerings for third party sale. We bring in actual, real inventory - in fact over 30 new inventory replenishment items DAILY. We are dedicated to high inventory turnover to achieve the newest, freshest bounty.
We are business to business. We understand that if you do not make money, you won’t be back for seconds. Not seeing the right price? Contact us.
We understand that flexibility matters, contact us if you have any special requests.
Any inquiries regarding sales please contact us at Support@purveyd.com.
Our Roots
We are NYC born and bred. We come from generations of corner store workers, street market vendors, farmers, restaurant owners - the list goes on.
Our parent company, Tay Shing Corp., was a Chinatown staple for over 30 years.

Picture is credit to https://tay-shing-corp.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral
Picture is credit to https://www.greetingstour.com/murals/chinatown-new-york