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  • 4 - 8 pieces
  • Kabocha aka "Kabocha Squash", "Japanese Pumpkin", "Ri-Ben-Xiao-Nan-Gua", "日本小南瓜"
  • Kabocha is a hard shell winter squash shaped like a squat pumpkin and has deep-green skin with some celadon-to-white stripes and intense yellow-orange flesh. It has an exceptionally sweet flavor, even sweeter than butternut squash. It is similar in texture and flavor to a pumpkin and sweet potato combined. Common application includes kabocha porridge and deep-fried with tempura batter. Kabocha is available year-round.
 Handling Tip
  • Kabocha is firm and heavy for its size.
  • The skin is smooth and dull with no soft spots or bruises. Shiny rind indicates an immature kabocha.
  • Kabocha should be stored at 50°F - 55°F (10°C - 13°C) with a relative humidity of fifty to seventy percent.
  • The typical shelf life is two to three months. Extremely low humidity may lead to excess weight loss and flesh deterioration.
  • Kabocha is not sensitive to ethylene, a naturally occurring gas that regulates ripening, and produces a low amount of ethylene. However, kabocha with bruises and cuts greatly increases ethylene production.
  • Kabocha is sensitive to chilling injury at storage below 50°F (10°C). Symptoms include loss of flavor and sunken pits on the surface.