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  • ~40 lbs
  • Dark Green Long Bean aka "Long-Podded Cowpea", "Asparagus Bean", "Snake Bean", "Chinese Long Bean", "Yard Long Bean", "Qing-Dou-Jiao", "青豆角"
  • Dark green long beans look like overgrown green beans. It is generally eighteen inches in length but may grow up to thirty inches long. The dark green long bean has a distinctly beany taste and is not sweet like the green bean. Dark green long beans work best briefly steamed, stir-fried, or braised. Dark green long bean is available year-round.
Handling Tip
  • Dark green long bean is firm with a uniform dark green color,
  • No signs of yellowing, wilting, or rusty color.
  • Thinner beans are preferred and avoided beans that are bulging.
  • Dark green long bean should be stored at 40°F - 45°F (4.5°C - 7°C) with a relative humidity of ninety to ninety-five percent and no mist.
  • The typical shelf life is seven to ten days.
  • The dark green long bean is sensitive to ethylene, a naturally occurring gas that regulates ripening. Dark green long beans should not be stored with high ethylene-producing products to extend shelf life and avoid yellowing. Dark green long bean produces a low level of ethylene.
  • Dark green long bean is sensitive to chilling injury at storage below 32°F (0°C). Symptoms include brown spots and water-soaked spots.