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5x1LB Bags

  • 5 lbs
  • Thai Basil aka "Asian Basil", "Tai-Guo-Luo-Le", "Tai-Guo-Jiu-Ceng-Ta", "泰国罗勒", "泰国九层塔", "泰国羅勒", "泰国九層塔"
  • Thai basil has shiny green, narrow leaves with serrated edges and reddish-purple stems. The leaves are sturdier than Italian basil and hold up to high temperatures. It is spicy with a licorice-like flavor. Thai basil is essential to many Southeast Asian dishes like Panang curry and pho. Thai basil is available year-round.

Handling Tip
  • Thai basil has a uniform green color with no brown spots.
  • The leaves are not wilted and not slimy.
  • Fresh Thai basil has a strong licorice fragrance.
  • High leaf-to-stem ratio.
  • Thai basil should be stored at 50°F - 55°F (10°C - 13°C) with a relative humidity of more than ninety-five percent and no mist.
  • The typical shelf life is one to two weeks.
  • Thai basil is not sensitive to ethylene, a naturally occurring gas that regulates ripening. Thai basil produces a low level of ethylene.
  • Thai basil is sensitive to chilling injury at storage below 48°F (9°C). Symptom includes leaves darkening.